#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Author: MoeClub.org import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.httpserver import json import os import time import base64 MasterKey = ["MoeClub"] SubPath = "Player" RootPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) DataPath = os.path.join(RootPath, "data") class Utils: treelist = [] treetime = 0 @staticmethod def load(file, mode="r"): if "b" in mode: fd = open(file, mode) else: fd = open(file, mode, encoding="utf-8") data = fd.read() fd.close() return data @classmethod def b64(cls, file): data = cls.load(file=file) b64data = base64.b64encode(data.encode("utf-8")) return b64data.decode("utf-8") @classmethod def list(cls, dirname, second=15): if not os.path.exists(dirname): return "" if int(time.time()) - second >= cls.treetime: cls.treelist = [] cls.tree(dirname=dirname, FileType="m3u8") cls.treetime = int(time.time()) return "\n".join(cls.treelist) @classmethod def tree(cls, dirname, padding=" ", Print=False, FileType=None): PRINTITEM = padding[:-1] + '+-' + os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(dirname)) + '/' cls.treelist.append(PRINTITEM) if Print: print(PRINTITEM) padding = padding + ' ' files = os.listdir(dirname) count = 0 for file in files: count += 1 path = dirname + os.sep + file if os.path.isdir(path): if count == len(files): cls.tree(path, padding + ' ', Print, FileType) else: cls.tree(path, padding + '|', Print, FileType) else: if FileType is None or str(path).lower().endswith("." + str(FileType).lower()): PRINTITEM = padding + '+-' + file cls.treelist.append(PRINTITEM) if Print: print(PRINTITEM) class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): StringList = [chr(item) for item in range(65, 90 + 1)] + [chr(item) for item in range(48, 57 + 1)] + [chr(item) for item in range(97, 122 + 1)] + ["-", "_", ".", "@"] StaticFile = {} def check_argument(self, key): value = None if key in self.request.arguments: value = self.get_argument(key) return value def real_address(self): if 'X-Real-IP' in self.request.headers: self.request.remote_ip = self.request.headers['X-Real-IP'] return self.request.remote_ip def WriteString(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (str, int)): return obj elif isinstance(obj, (dict, list)): return json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False) else: return obj def get(self, Item=None): try: self.real_address() assert Item and str(Item).strip() if Item == "list": data = Utils.list(DataPath) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") self.write(self.WriteString(data)) self.finish() return if str(Item).strip().lstrip("/").startswith("static/"): StaticPath = os.path.join(RootPath, Item) if os.path.exists(StaticPath): if str(StaticPath).endswith(".js"): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") elif str(StaticPath).endswith(".css"): self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/css") else: self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") if StaticPath not in self.StaticFile: self.StaticFile[StaticPath] = Utils.load(StaticPath, "rb") self.finish(self.StaticFile[StaticPath]) self.flush() else: self.set_status(404) self.finish() return if str(Item).strip().lower().endswith(".vtt"): ItemPath = os.path.join(DataPath, Item) if os.path.exists(ItemPath): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") if ItemPath not in self.StaticFile: self.StaticFile[ItemPath] = Utils.load(ItemPath, "rb") self.finish(self.StaticFile[ItemPath]) self.flush() else: self.set_status(404) self.finish() return if str(Item).strip().lower().endswith(".m3u8"): ItemPath = os.path.join(DataPath, Item) else: ItemPath = os.path.join(DataPath, Item + ".m3u8") if os.path.exists(ItemPath): self.render("Player.html", PageTitle=str(Item).rstrip(".m3u8"), SubPath=str("/%s" % SubPath), PageData=Utils.b64(ItemPath)) else: self.set_status(404) self.write("Not Found") except: self.set_status(400) self.write("Null") def post(self, Item=None): try: assert Item and str(Item).strip() assert str(Item) in MasterKey filesDict = self.request.files["file"] for FileItem in filesDict: if "filename" in FileItem and FileItem["filename"]: ItemName = FileItem["filename"] else: ItemName = "UN" + str(int(time.time())) + ".m3u8" FileSave = os.path.join(DataPath, ItemName) fd = open(FileSave, "wb") fd.write(FileItem["body"]) fd.close() self.set_status(200) self.write("ok") except: self.set_status(400) self.write("fail") class Web: @staticmethod def main(): tornado.options.define("host", default='', help="Host", type=str) tornado.options.define("port", default=5866, help="Port", type=int) tornado.options.parse_command_line() application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/%s/(?P.+)" % SubPath, MainHandler)], static_path=os.path.join(RootPath, "static")) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(tornado.options.options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() if __name__ == "__main__": Web.main()